Value | Meaning |
closed | The window requested to be closed (no data) |
resized | The window was resized (data in event.size) |
lostFocus | The window lost the focus (no data) |
gainedFocus | The window gained the focus (no data) |
textEntered | A character was entered (data in event.text) |
keyPressed | A key was pressed (data in event.key) |
keyReleased | A key was released (data in event.key) |
mouseWheelMoved | The mouse wheel was scrolled (data in event.mouseWheel) |
mouseButtonPressed | A mouse button was pressed (data in event.mouseButton) |
mouseButtonReleased | A mouse button was released (data in event.mouseButton) |
mouseMoved | The mouse cursor moved (data in event.mouseMove) |
mouseEntered | The mouse cursor entered the area of the window (no data) |
mouseLeft | The mouse cursor left the area of the window (no data) |
joystickButtonPressed | A joystick button was pressed (data in event.joystickButton) |
joystickButtonReleased | A joystick button was released (data in event.joystickButton) |
joystickMoved | The joystick moved along an axis (data in event.joystickMove) |
joystickConnected | A joystick was connected (data in event.joystickConnect) |
joystickDisconnected | A joystick was disconnected (data in event.joystickConnect) |
Enumeration of event types.