- creditsVideo
string creditsVideo [@property getter]
- dataFolder
string dataFolder [@property getter]
- defaultDialogueBackground
string defaultDialogueBackground [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue background.
- defaultDialogueBackgroundImage
NovelateImageAnimation defaultDialogueBackgroundImage [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue background image/animation.
- defaultDialogueBorder
string defaultDialogueBorder [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue border.
- defaultDialogueColor
string defaultDialogueColor [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue color.
- defaultDialogueHeight1024
size_t defaultDialogueHeight1024 [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue height under the 1024 resolution.
- defaultDialogueHeight1280
size_t defaultDialogueHeight1280 [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue height under the 1280 resolution.
- defaultDialogueHeight800
size_t defaultDialogueHeight800 [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue height under the 800 resolution.
- defaultDialogueMargin
size_t defaultDialogueMargin [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue margin.
- defaultDialogueNameFont
string defaultDialogueNameFont [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue name font.
- defaultDialogueNameFontSize
size_t defaultDialogueNameFontSize [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue name font size.
- defaultDialoguePadding
size_t defaultDialoguePadding [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue padding.
- defaultDialogueTextFont
string defaultDialogueTextFont [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue text font.
- defaultDialogueTextFontSize
size_t defaultDialogueTextFontSize [@property getter]
Gets the default dialogue text font size.
- defaultFont
string defaultFont [@property getter]
- defaultFontSize
uint defaultFontSize [@property getter]
Gets the default font size.
- gameAbout
string[] gameAbout [@property getter]
Gets the about text of the game.
- gameDescription
string gameDescription [@property getter]
Gets the game description.
- gameSlogan
string gameSlogan [@property getter]
- gameTitle
string gameTitle [@property getter]
- menuBackground
NovelateImageAnimation menuBackground [@property getter]
Gets the menu background animation/image.
- menuBox_X1024
AltValue!(ptrdiff_t, string) menuBox_X1024 [@property getter]
Gets the x coordinate for the menubox under the 1024 resolution.
- menuBox_X1280
AltValue!(ptrdiff_t, string) menuBox_X1280 [@property getter]
Gets the x coordinate for the menubox under the 1280 resolution.
- menuBox_X800
AltValue!(ptrdiff_t, string) menuBox_X800 [@property getter]
Gets the x coordinate for the menubox under the 800 resolution.
- menuBox_Y1024
AltValue!(ptrdiff_t, string) menuBox_Y1024 [@property getter]
Gets the y coordinate for the menubox under the 1024 resolution.
- menuBox_Y1280
AltValue!(ptrdiff_t, string) menuBox_Y1280 [@property getter]
Gets the y coordinate for the menubox under the 1280 resolution.
- menuBox_Y800
AltValue!(ptrdiff_t, string) menuBox_Y800 [@property getter]
Gets the y coordinate for the menubox under the 800 resolution.
- menuItem_About
NovelateMenuText menuItem_About [@property getter]
Gets the menu text for the menu item: About
- menuItem_Characters
NovelateMenuText menuItem_Characters [@property getter]
Gets the menu text for the menu item: Characters
- menuItem_Exit
NovelateMenuText menuItem_Exit [@property getter]
Gets the menu text for the menu item: Exit
- menuItem_Load
NovelateMenuText menuItem_Load [@property getter]
Gets the menu text for the menu item: Load
- menuItem_Play
NovelateMenuText menuItem_Play [@property getter]
Gets the menu text for the menu item: Play
- menuItem_Save
NovelateMenuText menuItem_Save [@property getter]
Gets the menu text for the menu item: Save
- menuLogoImage
NovelateImageAnimation menuLogoImage [@property getter]
Gets the menu logo animation/image.
- menuLogoImageX1024
ptrdiff_t menuLogoImageX1024 [@property getter]
Gets the x coordinate for the menu logo under the 1024 resolution.
- menuLogoImageX1280
ptrdiff_t menuLogoImageX1280 [@property getter]
Gets the x coordinate for the menu logo under the 1280 resolution.
- menuLogoImageX800
ptrdiff_t menuLogoImageX800 [@property getter]
Gets the x coordinate for the menu logo under the 800 resolution.
- menuLogoImageY1024
ptrdiff_t menuLogoImageY1024 [@property getter]
Gets the y coordinate for the menu logo under the 1024 resolution.
- menuLogoImageY1280
ptrdiff_t menuLogoImageY1280 [@property getter]
Gets the y coordinate for the menu logo under the 1280 resolution.
- menuLogoImageY800
ptrdiff_t menuLogoImageY800 [@property getter]
Gets the y coordinate for the menu logo under the 800 resolution.
- menuMusic
string menuMusic [@property getter]
- menuTitleSlogan
NovelateMenuText menuTitleSlogan [@property getter]
Gets the menu title slogan.
- menuTitleText
NovelateMenuText menuTitleText [@property getter]
Gets the menu title text.
- saveFolder
string saveFolder [@property getter]
- startScene
string startScene [@property getter]
The compiled config for the game.