Creates a new timed text component.
See: Component.clean()
See: Component.refresh()
See: Component.render()
See: Component.updatePosition()
See: Component.updateSize()
Gets the color.
Sets the color.
Gets the font name.
Sets the font name.
Gets the font size.
Sets the font size.
Gets the text.
Sets the text.
Gets the text speed.
Sets the text speed.
A queue of handlers for when the text has finished rendering by mouse release.
Gets the position.
Sets the position.
Gets the x coordinate.
Gets the y coordinate.
Gets the size.
Sets the size.
Gets the width.
Gets the height.
Checks whether the component intersects with a specific point.
Updates the internal position. Use this to avoid event handling.
Handler for global mouse press events.
Handler for global mouse release events.
Handler for global mouse movement events.
Handler for global key press events.
Handler for global key release events.
Handler for mouse press events.
Handler for mouse release events.
Handler for mouse movement events.
Handler for key press events.
Handler for key release events.
Will render the component. Called during every frame render.
Refreshes the component with a given width ahd height. This is usually the layer size which is usually the window size.
Called when the size of the component updates.
Called when the position of the component updates.
Cleans the component for its native objects.
Wrapper around timed text, which is text that is gradually rendered over time.